Tuesday, September 30, 2014

The Tricks and Treats of Court Shenanigans--Then And Now

We both adore and abhor the campaign season.  The onslaught of TV ads for and against your political choice can be overwhelming. After 30 seconds of promises and denials you are often left wondering exactly what is true. Like is Hillary Clinton actually going to run for President or not?  When will we ever know?

While Americans like to believe we found a new way of running the political machine back in 1776 by dissing the antiquated monarchies of old, how different are the machinations of daily life when we are talking about the negotiations that take place in the Capitol vs. court life? Does anybody tell the truth now? Did they back then?

Don't you believe it. Instead of showing one's hand and heart, it has always been wiser to be the one holding the rabbit in the hat. Perhaps there is no better example of a monarch who enjoyed the art of manipulation more than Henry VIII. 

He desired Anne Boleyn, so much so he managed to trick the Church into annulling his marriage of 24 years to Catherine. It was more than a sleight of hand to persuade his court and the commoners to put aside their adoration of their pious Queen Catherine and take to the young and bawdy Queen Anne.  He did succeed--such was his powerful charisma. However, all that mattered little when Henry grew tired of Anne and talked his court into executing her on the grounds of adultery, incest and treason.  How much of those charges were true? What was false? What did it matter once he married his next wife Jane Seymour, who bore him a little son.

The fact is, those in power have only ever had one goal in life--more power. To climb higher, hold others in sway and elicit the trust of those who have the ability to raise them further up the political ladder, or toss them into the pit of despair.

By the time Henry VIII had married his fifth wife, his court was filled with the paranoia that only a whimsical man with the power of the chopping block can hold.  All the while, the great families of Europe rode a roller coaster hoping that this time as he stepped before the bishop, his tricks regarding his wives would only result in treats for them.

It simply doesn't matter whether you are discussing the next campaign for President or the power struggles associated with the history of Europe, there have always been and shall be some tricky people attempting to wrangle our beliefs when it comes to those in the most powerful positions.  Perhaps that is part of our fascination with the political process--it's a puzzle and we cannot help but try to see past the smoke screen.

S.D. Grady is celebrating the release of her latest novel "The King's Mistress."

JOIN IN A TREASURE HUNT FOR AN OPPORTUNITY TO WIN A FREE ECOPY OF "THE KING'S MISTRESS"  CLICK HERE TO FIND OUT HOW  Full of desire and political intrigue, you won't want to miss it!

As a token of my gratitude for reading today's blog, click here for a FREE download full of fun facts and activities you can use at your next masquerade ball.

Friday, September 26, 2014

The Birth of a Book: The King's Mistress Releases!

Now Available

And so it happens, after years of angst and love, devotion and toil it finally happens.  Your book makes it out into the world wide web for the masses to feed upon.  This isn't the first go-round on the carousel, not at all.  Yet, somehow it always feels like the first time.

There's a great deal of anxiety waiting for the proof copies. Then even more worry as the buy links for the third-party sellers take FOREVER to come on-line.  Meanwhile you have this need to dance like a fool in public saying, "I did it! I freakin' did it!"

Because, no matter how easy it is to grab a copy off the shelves, sit down and devour a book in a matter of hours, the process of creating this thing--your book, your beautiful book--takes a little bit of your soul with each passing minute invested in it.

However,  just as the crest of achievement washes over you while you admire this gorgeous bit of creativity, your Oscar moment arrives.  A humbling wave crashes down. Maybe your name is gracing the cover, but there were a great many people involved in this creation.

And so, before I get down to the business of begging the public to buy my baby, I'll make sure the following people receive acknowledgement:

My husband, Richard.  Who on occasion must find food by himself and spend lonely hours talking to the person who nods an awful lot, but if her fingers are flying, she doesn't hear him. Thank you for your forbearance. If anyone thinks being a writer is a lonely profession, you ought to speak to their spouse.

My support group, EWAG  It's extremely relieving to talk to a fellow creative soul on a regular basis, just to check whether or not the voices in your head are normal. Apparently they are.  It's too bad the rest of the world can't hear them. It can be very entertaining.

My publisher and cover artist, Traci Markou.  It seems like forever since we "met" in the Novel Workshop on writing.com  Thanks for providing me the freedom to let my voice sing what it wishes, without worrying about the demands of pop culture. You are an inspiration!

My editor, Sandra Sookoo.  At long last  I found an editor who hears the historical notes in my work while beating the technical writing into submission. I am never a hollow husk after running through edits with you, I'm only confident the book and my writing just got better!

My beta readers, Wendy and Heather.  Before the editor, there comes the readers who prevent silly mistakes from making it past my outbox. You are invaluable!

Well, there you have it.  I'll just dance off stage now. Thanks for listening!


S.D. Grady is celebrating the release of her latest novel "The King's Mistress."  She'll be taking a Bewitched Blog Tour during the month of October.


As a token of my gratitude for reading, click here for a FREE download full of fun facts and activities you can use at your next masquerade ball.